
NaNo 2017 Goals

Here I am, two years later after forgetting about this blog. This is the year I'm determined to win. There is no try, only do. Therefore, I shall do! Attend 3 write-ins Participate in several Twitter word sprints 1,667 words/day or match the designated word count for that day Write with friends Cheer on friends (GO WOMPA, GO K!)

NaNoWriMo ~ 10,000+ Words!

No big deal or anything but BIG DEAL. I've written over 10,000 words, more than I have ever before. I could be writing right now, or I could be blogging to you guys. I kind of want to blog instead, but I really should get back. With that being said, happy writing and good luck~ Everyone has a story in them, keep going! Here's an amazing calendar that shows you whereabouts you should be in your story in order to finish on time ^_^

NaNoWriMo Day #2

823 words written out of the 3,000+ I'm supposed to have by now. Why, you ask, am I blogging instead of writing? Because, my dear reader, I am procrastinating. I considered doing another Tarot spread but I'm too tired to think that hard. So, I leave you with my weekly read and a mental kick in the rear (but not too hard, 'cause ow) to get me going. Follow me on @ Angie_on_Books and on Goodreads to the right -->

NaNoWriMo Day #1--Tarot Spread Vice

It's the first day of NaNoWriMo, no big deal or anything but this will be the year that I win. I think we all know at one point or another we're going to suffer from writer's block. Hopefully this "Tarot for Writers" series (interpreted and inspired by my Tarot practicem) will help you out. Today the spread is "My Greatest Vice" from the Complete Book of Tarot Spreads. The layout is as such: Middle: 7 of Swords, representing your characters weakness The character goes into the plot without a plan (much like this writer has no plot) and . Whether that manifests itself into a king leading a battle without a strategy or a MC who just doesn't care about what happens in their lives.  Left: The Hanged Man, representing what drags them down The characters attachment to this certain something is holding them back from spiritual, emotional, or mental illumination. It can ultimately lead to their downfall.  Right: The Hermit, this gives the charac...

Angie Draws Tarot, Prompt #1: The relationship Between Two Characters

She did it! I finally drew Tarot readings for my fellow writer's. Today I chose to do a spread of the relationship between two characters. Card #1 represents C#1s challenges and their place in a relationship. Card #2 shows the same for C#2 (it's the third card to the right); and, finally, Card #3 (the middle) represents the characters relationships to one another. I chose to interpret the cards as a romantic relationship between two characters. I've cross posted it on my reading blog. Here's a possible reading: Character 1 Character 1 faces a strange challenge, though they have the upper hand. In order to overcome that test they must stand strong and believe in themselves. It seems daunting, at first, because it is new to them but in the end they will prevail. The mountain represents the challenge, though it can quite literally mean that they're on the top of a flippin' mountain, with a long journey ahead. This could be the quest that C1 is on ...

Tarot for Writing Inspiration

If you look at my other blog , you'll see that I posted my review of a deck of Tarot cards a few days ago. I've been collecting Tarot cards for about two years now and I only just started reading them. Usually, I just look at them; they're all so different and all so beautiful in their own way. Well, I should clarify that the Zombie Tarot decks isn't quite "beautiful" than super-flippin' scary while the Steampunk set is inspiring and distracting. Likewise, my Royo Dark set  is shocking--I didn't expect pornography when I ordered them! But, you know, things happen for a reason and I was meant to get those cards ;-) I'll be linking to my explanation of Tarot and what it means to me here. I started reading (or, at least getting excited about) Tarot when I realized that they are perfect for story writing. I have a deck of Storymatic, which is fun, sure, but Tarot tells a whole story, all you have to do it make it your own. You can draw for your ...

Oh, why hello there!

Hi there readers and writers! I'm Angie, the writer of all things fantasy (poetry and fiction), SciFi (poetry and fiction), and smut (emphasis on the "smut"). Come on, who doesn't like smut? There will be plenty of that here. This blog is for me to get my writing out. Everything on this blog is mine and no part of it may be reproduced without my permission (so email me!). My thoughts are that I'll use the cue cards and Tarot cards I got as prompts for my writing. Let me know what you think. Angie